Garážové úložné skříně:chytrá organizace se setkává s moderním stylem

Dvě věci, které většině garáží chybí, jsou uspokojivá úroveň organizace a vizuální přitažlivosti.

Několik háčků na stěnách a několik polic pro kutily nedokážou přesně maximalizovat úložnou kapacitu garáže. Neposkytují ani jednu z podceňovaných funkcí jakéhokoli hodnotného úložného systému – vzhled, který přidává k estetice místnosti.

Garážové úložné skříně mohou vylepšit funkčnost a vizuální prezentaci tohoto pracovitého domácího prostoru.

Zde je několik způsobů, jak může vaše garáž těžit z toho, co skříňový systém nabízí, a také na co se zaměřit při nákupu garážových skříní.

Typy garážových skříní

Ne všechny značky a typy garážových skříní jsou stejné. Proto stojí za to udělat si malý domácí úkol, abyste učinili rozhodnutí o nákupu, se kterým budete spokojeni ještě dlouho po instalaci skříní.

Systémy garážových skříní se dodávají v modulárních, zakázkových a polozakázkových typech. Zde je význam těchto termínů:

  • Modulární skříně (typ prodávaný v obchodech s velkými boxy) jsou sériově vyráběné a mají předem daný design. Jednotlivé části skříně jsou smíchány a sladěny tak, aby vytvořily systém, který se poměrně snadno sestavuje.
  • Přizpůsobení skříně jsou vyráběny na zakázku a jsou více personalizovaným řešením skříněk. Věci jako barvy a velikosti skříněk lze přizpůsobit a jsou k dispozici další doplňkové funkce. Obvykle je vyžadována profesionální instalace.
  • Polovlastní skříně jsou hybridem modulárních a zakázkových skříní. Spotřebitelé mají větší flexibilitu designu než to, co nabízejí modulární skříně, a zároveň mají více omezení než to, co je k dispozici s plně přizpůsobeným designem.

3 základní věci pro vaše garážové úložné skříně

S designem systému garážových skříní můžete jít do velkých nebo malých rozměrů v závislosti na vašem rozpočtu, dostupném prostoru a způsobu využití skříní.

Věnujte pozornost několika klíčovým detailům o garážových úložných skříních, které kupujete:

  • Stavební materiály :hledejte skříně s vysoce kvalitními surovinami, které jsou vyrobeny v Severní Americe. Mnoho typů levné oceli vyráběné v zámoří je silně recyklováno a rychle reziví.
  • Tloušťka kovu :steel or aluminum cabinets with flimsy shells aren’t built to last in most garage environments. Remember that the lower the number of a steel gauge, the thicker the sheet metal is.
  • Build quality/craftsmanship :prioritize buying cabinets with a high quality of craftsmanship. Cabinets with issues like doors and drawers that don’t open and close smoothly or that are poorly welded are cheap for a reason!

With the basics of cabinets explained, now it’s time to look closer at how they can improve a garage.

Get your garage organized and keep it tidy

Smart garage organization systems like slatwall and overhead racks work wonders to maximize a garage’s storage space. They accomplish this by utilizing the commonly underused wall and ceiling spaces in garages.

Cabinets function as a complementary storage system to these effective garage organization solutions. When has having more storage space and storage versatility ever been a bad thing? “Never” is the correct answer!

Getting a garage organized by creating a home for each item with a variety of storage systems makes the room more valuable to you in a few different ways.

Most importantly, having a tidy garage allows it to be much more functional for your family. Leaving your vehicles parked in the driveway because there’s no room for them in the cluttered garage becomes a thing of the past.

Having additional room in the garage also means more opportunities for things like using the garage as a gym or workshop.

The average garage can hold a lot and many of those items, like hand tools, are small and easy to lose. Don’t underestimate the value of using effective storage systems that makes things easier to find and put back.

Set up your storage systems properly and you’ll drastically cut down on the amount of time that is wasted searching for misplaced items.

Garage storage cabinets add visual appeal

Matte red GL Custom Steel cabinets with black frames work perfectly in this Ferrari-themed garage (featuring the Performance theme from Garage Living’s Designer Series).

Having a higher level of organization in the garage with the help of a storage system like cabinets is a win for any homeowner.

If your cabinets can improve the garage with a professional, upscale look that makes your home stand out in your neighborhood, that’s a definite win-win.

Garage Living knows that cabinets play a major role in determining how a garage will look . We work with our clients to ensure the styles and color choices of their garage storage cabinets bring out the best in the rest of the room’s décor.

Our Designer Series collection of exclusive design themes was created to guarantee that all visual aspects of a garage remodel complement each other effectively. With the Performance theme, for example, the red and black colors of the cabinets blend beautifully with the red, black, grey, and white colors in the decorative Carbonite Floortex™ floor coating.

Garage storage cabinet systems can include additional decorative touches that provide visual upgrades:

  • Aluminum backsplashes in a variety of styles
  • Sleek countertops made from stainless or galvanized steel or butcher block
  • Attractive door and drawer hardware

Cabinets also give you ample space to keep stored items hidden. That eliminates visual clutter and helps to preserve the organized appearance of a garage.

Why custom and premium garage storage cabinets are worth it

A small, budget-friendly modular cabinet system with a no-frills look that can be installed yourself will be enough for some homeowners.

Others want a higher quality product and someone with expertise to handle their cabinet system design and installation. Garage Living specializes in creating customized garage cabinet solutions with our lines of modular, semi-custom, and custom-fit cabinet products.

High-quality garage storage cabinets don’t just look and function better than cheaper models – they’re built to last, too. Inexpensive cabinets found online and in big-box stores cut corners wherever they can to keep costs down. Those compromises result in an inferior product with a short life…and a long trail of customers with buyer’s remorse.

No two garages have the exact same layout and are used the exact same way by their owners. That’s why a “one size fits all” approach to choosing garage cabinets doesn’t always work well. Everybody has different design tastes as well, so the more cabinet and frame colors you can choose from, the better.

Made-to-order cabinets like the GL Custom Steel model can be customized to fit your garage to perfection, both physically and aesthetically. Because they’re constructed with superior materials and the finest craftsmanship, they’ll last for many years in your garage. Powder-coated finishes that protect against corrosion and scratches do their share of the hard work to extend the life of your cabinets as well.

Enjoy a safer, more secure garage

Things that can be stored in cabinets are things that are not left on your garage floor. That means fewer tripping and parking hazards and a safer garage.

Some items commonly kept in the garage, such as sharp objects and hazardous cleaning and lawn care products, are better off being stored out of reach or behind locked cabinet doors for your kids’ safety.

From a home security perspective, expensive tools that are stored out of sight inside cabinets are less vulnerable to theft . Your valuables can be even further protected from burglars by adding locks to some of your cabinet doors and drawers.

Cabinets are low maintenance and keep your things cleaner

Garage cabinets are very low-maintenance and keep your belongings hidden and dust-free.

Cleaning metal garage storage cabinets involves very little work. To remove dust, simply wipe them down with a clean, dry soft cloth or a light duster.

If a deeper cleaning is needed to remove grease, grime, and dirt build-up on the cabinets, the powder-coated finish is resilient enough to handle using some water or a neutral cleaner product.

Stainless steel doors can also have a stainless steel cleaner applied to remove fingerprints and dirt so the cabinets are restored to a “just like new” state.

Another way that cabinets cut down on your cleaning work is they keep everything being stored inside them virtually dust-free. With no items sitting out in the open for dust to collect on, the air quality in your garage will be a little better.

Get the best garage storage cabinets available

Don’t settle for anything less than the best garage storage cabinets to improve the functionality and appearance of your home’s most useful storage space.

Garage Living’s five lines of North American-made cabinets look stunning and can be tailored specifically for your everyday needs and design taste.

Schedule a free design consultation with us. Our design consultants will work with you to create a unique cabinet system that exceeds your wildest expectations.

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