Zatímco vosk je dobrý způsob, jak chránit vaše auto nebo nákladní auto před poškrábáním a vířením, tmel na autolaky je pravděpodobně lepší volbou. Vydrží déle a složení je odolnější než vosk. Může být použit k odvrácení škod způsobených kyselým deštěm, UV zářením, silniční špínou a úlomky. Tmely pro automobily vyrobené ze syntetických polymerů jsou navrženy tak, aby zabránily poškození a přilnutí nečistot k laku a průhlednému laku vozidla.
Poskytují určitý druh štítu, který snese více oděru než voskové produkty. Navíc nejkvalitnější lakové tmely mohou být účinné po dlouhou dobu, zatímco vosky je potřeba nanášet častěji (tedy každý jeden až tři měsíce). Vysoce kvalitní vosky vytvářejí vyšší lesk než sealanty, takže je dobré se před investicí do jednoho z těchto produktů rozhodnout, co chcete. Pokud je vaší preferovanou metodou ochrany laku tmel, níže máme několik vynikajících možností.
Celkově nejlepšíChemical Guys JetSeal Paint Sealant a Paint Protectant
Podívejte se na nejnovější přehled cenTento tmel na autolaky je vyroben ze směsi nanopolymerů, takže může poskytnout dlouhotrvající ochranu proti všem druhům venkovních a silničních prvků.
ProMeguiar's Mirror Glaze Synthetic Sealant 2.0
Podívejte se na nejnovější přehled cenTento cenově dostupný a snadno použitelný tmel na autolaky nabízí skvělé krytí tváří v tvář běžným venkovním překážkám a udržuje lak jako nový.
ProWolfgang Concours Series Deep Gloss Paint Sealant 3.0
Podívejte se na nejnovější přehled cenLesklý, hluboký tmel na autolaky, který vypadá stejně dobře jako ochrana, kterou nabízí proti špíně, špíně, znečištění a vodě.
ProAbychom z mnoha dostupných produktů vybrali ty nejlepší tmely na autolaky, podívali jsme se na různé tmely dostupné od známých i nových značek. Zvažovali jsme a porovnávali jejich složky a složení a hledali jsme jak čisté tmely, tak všestrannější tmely vše v jednom. V našem rozhodovacím procesu hrály roli faktory, jako je způsob aplikace, konečná úprava po aplikaci a odolnost nebo životnost každého tmelu. Vzali jsme také v úvahu skutečné zkušenosti uživatelů s prací s těmito tmely ve formě uživatelských recenzí, abychom posoudili, jak dlouho by mohly vydržet v reálných případech použití a zda mohou nastat nějaké problémy.
Pokud jde o odolný, vysoce ochranný tmel na autolaky, Chemical Guys JetSeal Paint Sealant and Paint Protectant přináší všestranné výsledky, které lze jen těžko překonat. Použití tohoto produktu na exteriér vašeho vozu může poskytnout ochranu před všemi nejdrsnějšími environmentálními prvky, od slunečního záření přes znečištění až po silniční špínu. Tento tmel vyrobený ze směsi syntetického vosku a nanopolymerů vydrží až celý rok a pomáhá omezovat poškození způsobené počasím, silnicí a dalšími. Můžete jej snadno nanést ručně nebo pomocí dvoučinného leštícího stroje a po nanesení vrstvy na čistý lak nanese pěkný lesk. Jako bonus navíc můžete tento tmel bez obav použít i na čiré plasty, leštěné kovy a další automobilové povrchy.
Pokud však hledáte extra lesklý povrch, tento tmel nedodává hluboký lesk. Pro větší hloubku se budete chtít podívat jinde. Navíc možná neuvidíte plný potenciál jeho ochrany, pokud žijete v deštivé oblasti; déšť může zkrátit životnost každé aplikace.
Pokud hledáte tmel na autolaky, který nezruinuje a přesto poskytuje špičkové výsledky, budete chtít vyzkoušet lahvičku Meguiar’s Mirror Glaze Synthetic Sealant 2.0. Tento tekutý tmel, vyrobený ze syntetických polymerů a hydrofobní technologie, má nabízet pokročilou péči o lak a všestrannou ochranu. A s hladkou, klouzavou metodou aplikace, je snadné setřít přímo na vaše vozidlo. Tento tmel je zvláště skvělý pro ty, kteří hledají spoustu rány za své peníze. Produkt poskytuje znatelně hlubší, tmavší a více reflexní povrch, aby barva vypadala znamenitěji za nízkou cenu. Může také zlepšit vzhled laku tím, že vizuálně skryje jemné škrábance a spirály.
Pokud jde o jeho hydrofobní nároky, tento tmel na laky automobilů plně nesplňuje svůj slib. Způsobí to kapání vody na povrchu vašeho auta, ale ve skutečnosti vodu neodpuzuje. Navíc není nejdéle. Bude nutné jej znovu použít každý jeden až tři měsíce.
Pokud je vaším cílem lesk – spolu s ochranou laku – pak Wolfgang Concours Series Deep Gloss Paint Sealant 3.0 je receptura, která může vyhovovat vašim potřebám. Blended with polymers and water to create a deeply glossy final result, this car paint sealant both protects and beautifies your vehicle’s exterior. Clear coat safe and stain-free for moldings, this non-abrasive sealant can deliver a new-car finish while offering solid protection. Its zero-dusting formula is meant to withstand the outdoor elements, from UV rays to pollution to salt and water to dirt. Plus, the special polymer blend of this formula helps eliminate static and repel common problems such as road grime, oil, dust, and water.
The biggest potential drawback of this car paint sealant is actually the included microfiber towel. You’ll want to skip it when applying the sealant, as the towel tends to leave behind fibers and dust; it even creates some static. To get a truly flawless finish, use a different towel or applicator.
If you live in an area that sees a lot of sunlight, you’re going to want to go with Carpro Reload Spray Sealant as your car paint sealant. This product isn’t just formulated for your basic paint protection; it was first created to offer UV protection and limit the damaging impact of the sun on your car’s exterior. As a result, it’s excellent for sunny regions and a great all-around sealant. Safe for all surfaces including rubber and plastic, this silica-based formula is able to impart a layer of water-repelling protection. Water slides right off your exterior, and it even repels dirt and dust just as well. All that’s left behind is a nice, vibrant shine.
It can take some time to master the learning curve of applying this car paint sealant. It’s recommended that you apply using two towels:Use one towel for application, and the second to remove spots and gently buff to a glossier finish. Using just one towel may not result in such an optimal final result.
If you want a no-fuss application process that can seal your paint without a lot of effort, Turtle Wax Ice Seal N Shine Hybrid Sealant Spray Wax is a winner. It’s designed to go on quickly, letting you add in an extra layer of protection for your car’s exterior without specialized care or detailing. With an easy-to-use spray nozzle and a synthetic blend of sealants plus carnauba wax, it’s an all-in-one solution that keeps dirt and water at bay. It creates a super hydrophobic surface, which allows water to bead up and slide right off your car. It can even reduce the amount of drying time needed when you wash your vehicle, and it’ll keep paint looking shiny.
This car paint sealant doesn’t last very long and only provides about a month to two months of durability. It also doesn’t create deep gloss or shine; you’ll see some thanks to the included wax, but it won’t really deliver a showroom finish.
If it’s gloss and shine you’re going for, you’re going to want to consider 3D Poxy Montan High-Gloss Car Sealant. This is perhaps the glossiest, shiniest product you can apply and still achieve a solid level of traditional sealant protection. Users love the beautiful shine it creates without requiring an additional wax application. It’s made with montan wax, which delivers both a buttery, silky soft feel and showroom-level shine on all paint colors. Thanks to the inclusion of the wax, this car paint sealant also offers higher heat resistance so it can better withstand sunlight and overall protection against everything from dirt to debris to rain. As an added bonus, this sealant is made in the United States.
While application of this paint sealant is easy, the bottle itself can be a little difficult to squeeze and get product out of. Otherwise, it’s an all-around straightforward product that goes on with little difficulty.
When it comes to paint that’s already seen quite a few years of dirt, sunlight, and harsh weather outdoors, Griot’s Garage One-Step Sealant can help revitalize the color and shine while adding a protective fresh layer of sealant. Featuring a blend of synthetic polymers, this car paint sealant can polish and protect in one application. It’s nicely durable, delivering up to one full year of paint protection that keeps dirt, debris, and oxidation or fading at bay. With this product, you can restore vividness and your original paint color. And thanks to the polish included in the mix, this sealant also creates depth and a nice shine in every application.
Just keep in mind that this car paint sealant may not last a full year. You may find that the water beading capability begins to fade after a few months. In that case, you’ll want to reapply a few times a year.
When it comes to a sealant that’ll protect your paint, offer good longevity, and makes for easy application, it’s hard to beat all of the benefits rolled into a bottle of Chemical Guys JetSeal Paint Sealant and Paint Protectant. However, if you’re also looking for an affordable price and great results for all-around value, Meguiar's Mirror Glaze Synthetic Sealant 2.0 can deliver too.
Sealants may seem simple, but small differences between products can make for a noticeable difference when they’re applied. Here are our best tips for picking out a quality paint sealant.
A pure car paint sealant is formulated to do one job:seal your exterior paint. These products are simple and straightforward, and they can be made with polymer or acrylic in their formulas. Acrylic tends to offer the best level of durability, while polymer-based sealants can include other ingredients (such as wax) that deliver more gloss and shine. When you apply a pure sealant, you’ll solely get sealed and protected paint.
Cleaning sealants, which are also called all-in-one sealants, offer more than a pure sealant. These are multipurpose products, and they typically include cleaning agents, such as solvents and abrasives, that work to both clean your paint and keep it protected. An all-in-one sealant can essentially prep your exterior for you, cleaning and removing mild oxidation (and even very fine scratches, in some products’ cases) as they’re applied. However, they don’t offer the same longevity as pure sealants.
Not all sealants are made for every paint color. While you can definitely find a universal formula that’ll work regardless of your exterior color, you’ll also find that different products are often tailored to specific colors. Black cars in particular may need a color-specific sealant finish, as it may be tricky to match the right level of glossiness and shine. Depending on your paint color, you may want to opt for a color-specific product to achieve more vibrancy. You can choose one that’s universal for any color if you just want protection above all else.
Sure, sealant is supposed to seal your paint and make it more durable. But some sealants offer more protection than others, and you’ll want to choose one that targets your biggest concerns. While your basic sealant typically repels debris, dust, and dirt, a more advanced sealant can offer heavier-duty protection against rain and UV rays. There are even premium products that may remove swirls and small surface scratches. Look for one that offers a blend of protection benefits and can be versatile enough for the climate you live in. For example, you’ll want dirt and sunlight protection if you live somewhere warm and dry.
While sealant is first and foremost designed to protect your paint, a good sealant can actually improve the appearance of your exterior too. Each sealant can offer some level of visual enhancement because they tend to have a flatter appearance than a clear coat alone, which is rougher. When you apply sealant, it’ll typically look slicker and glossier, almost like you’ve applied a coat of wax. It’s a great idea to pick a sealant that has a finish that’ll visually enhance your car’s exterior. You can look for extra gloss, a sheen, or even dual-use products that include extra ingredients to help achieve a glossier finish.
On average, you’ll spend between $30 and $40 for a bottle of car paint sealant. If you’re looking for a larger bottle with more sealant included or a specialized product (such as one with a spray nozzle applicator), then you’ll spend a bit more. The prices of these sealants can run from $40 to $70.
Máte otázky. Disk má odpovědi.
Odpověď: Your sealant typically lasts a few months, and the maximum lifespan is six months. Check the specs on the sealant you’re buying, as the label should tell you the expected lifespan and how frequently you’ll need to reapply.
Odpověď: You’ll want to apply your car paint sealant first, let it cure fully, and then apply a coat of wax. If you’re unsure, you can always double-check the instructions on your sealant to verify.
Odpověď: If you’re doing any kind of paint touch-ups or correction, make sure to apply your paint before you add any sealant. Sealant is meant to adhere to paint, so you can follow up with polish (or wax) after you’ve applied paint, then sealant.
Odpověď: It can cost several hundred dollars to have paint sealant applied on your vehicle at the dealership. To save a few bucks, you can do it yourself. You can purchase some products for less than $15; however, they may not last as long as some higher-end products and need to be reapplied regularly. Many paint sealants are available between $20 and $40, and pricier options typically do a better job of repelling water and protecting surfaces from damaging UV rays.